Thứ Bảy, 4 tháng 9, 2010


Bạn bảo mình nhà giàu
Bạn bảo mình ki bo.

Bạn đừng nhìn vào nhà mình rộng mà bảo nhà mình giàu.
Đất này không phải bố mẹ mình mua mà là của tổ tiên để lại.
Bạn đừng nhìn vào phòng khách nhà mình mà bạn bảo giàu.
Tất cả những thứ đấy đều là những thứ bố mẹ mình thích và mất nhiều năm mới mua đc.
Bạn đừng nhìn vào những căn phòng khác đầy đủ thứ mà bạn bảo nhà mình giàu.
Tất cả chỉ là do sự cố gắng của bố mẹ mình thôi và do mình ko chịu dọn phòng.
Bạn đừng nhìn vào đồ của mình nhiều mà bảo mình nhiều tiền.
Đó chỉ là những thứ rẻ tiền mà mình dành dụm từ lâu lâu lâu ko vứt đi thôi.
Bạn đừng nhìn vào những thứ của mình mà bạn kêu mới
Chả qua là bạn đã không gặp mình quá lâu rồi.
Bạn đừng nhìn vào đồ mình mà bảo mình thay đổi nhiều và giàu.
Thực chất toàn đồ cũ của nhiều người mềnh thích và mình tự mix nó vào.
Bạn đừng tưởng mình đi nhiều mà bạn biểu mình tiêu nhiêu là giàu.
Mình chỉ đi thôi chứ ko tiêu nhiều.Và dạo này cũng chã đi đâu cả.
Nhà mình không giàu.
Đủ dùng.
Bạn có biết tiền tiêu của mình đã bị cắt chỉ còn 1/2 thôi không.


A long time i don't write my diary.
Ah... Somedays i fell sad. I don't want to do anything.
Sad sad sad.

Thứ Tư, 11 tháng 8, 2010

Summer holiday :x

A day after my summer holiday, i come home safe and sound. A day is free. I sleep all day after tired day.

I talk about my summer holiday :

- The first day:

I get up at 4a.m. I maked one's luggage ready yesterday but something don't stored in the bag. The bag is big. I don't think i carry many thing.
My school promise at 5a.m when my bus which we will sit and go on long street. But my bus start at 6a.m. We stop in Phu Ly. Everyboday start go to wc. After we start to go. I don't remeber i stop in Ha Nam or Thanh Hoa city. My lunch in there. My group has 12 menbers : Tit, Mit, Rt, Eck, Tana, Tit brother ( T.A ), Kani, Khoi, Kani friend, Cua, Lem and me.

A long street. The person who sit next me is eck. She sleep and lean on me. I feel sore in shoulder and tired in neck. Lucky i carry a small cushion (it's shape is pig's face ). Ought to i feel a litter tired. I want to have some shoulder of anyone.
At 5p.m We come Thien Cam beach where we start summer holiday.
We accept our key and come back room. Our hotel is 3 star. A room has a conditioner, a TV, a cold box, 3 bed and wc. After i place our baggage, we go to beach.

6:30p.m We start to have dinner with our school. Food is insipid and i don't want to continue my dinner. After we walk on coast road but it is rain. We come back our room. We play gamble and the person who have a litter mark, will be sent by the winner. When we are happy :x

After we go to bed but don't sleep. We lie down and listen ghost stories of mr. Nguyen Ngoc Ngan. But i listen 1/2 stories to sleep :|. My friend is ECK, she don't listen because she is afraid of ghost.

- The second day

This morning, my school product to go to island outside sea but don't compel. We get up later ought to we don't accession in time. And we don't go.

We go to where have many stone and we arrange. I sit to see my friends who try to catch fish or crab :)). When it is sunny and hot, we come back hotel.

Our lunch have all sea food.

This afternoon later. We bathe on the sea. Today, the wave is strong. Cool.

Our evening is sea food.

After we come back hotel to play gamble with my teacher. When we are playing, anywhere have a big cry and it is be frightened out of one's wits. And everybody spill out. They start to find who have a big cry. But they don't find.

We and my teacher go for a walk on the beach.
After coming back hotel to sleep.

- The third day:

The end day of tour. We try to get up early but not succeed. We get up later. After we go for a walk on beach again.

We come back hotel to make our's luggage ready.

We have lunch with my school.

After go to bus to come back HN.

9p.m We arrive in HN. I and some friend go to eat dinner.

Thứ Bảy, 7 tháng 8, 2010

This morning i think that i will ferry my friend to her company by my motobike. But lucky, i don't come ought to i continue sleeping. Today is unhappy.

When i prepare to go to school. I feel that i will remeber one thing but i don't remeber. The first, I give motobike so i forget to get out my key of my motobike.

I come my class, people claim my teacher to give them to watch movie. My teacher is ok because tomorrow we will have summer's tour of my school and we will have heart and mind to continue studying. The movie is Black Hawk Down. It won in OSCAR. I like it. It about the war of USA and Somali. Properly it is very good and have a litter blood,barbarous, horribly and pride. It is really.

My lunch, i eat with my group. And at time it is happy. A long time my group eat together.

After we ( 1/2 my group) go to super market. We need to buy something for summer's tour. We buy a litter because only 1/2 my gruop go.

Come back my family shop. My sister want i ferry her to medicine's store. She talk that she must stay here long time ought to i come back later. But it is fast than she think.

This afternoon. At 4p.m. I and 2 girl friend will visit my friend who gets soldier. A strange thing, when we prepare to visit him, it prepare rain. Anytime like it. I don't know why? Maybe god is challenging?

I come back home later. Ought to i have a bath later. It make my mother is ungry. She storm blusteringly and slap me. I feel bored. I don't talk anything. I do something with heavy face. My mother is prejudice with me. I hate it.

Tomorrow, i will go.

Thứ Năm, 5 tháng 8, 2010


Today is boring.
I feel sleepy. I try to sleep some minute.
All of a sudden my aunt ( she is wife of my uncle, my uncle is young brother of my father) come my home. She carries some gift which she bought from her holiday. A crab, it is big :x. I hear her voice ought to i wake up and go down. She wear a BLUE skirt. She is looked sea in blue skrit.

After because it is early, i come back my bed to sleep.
All of sudden my grand mother calls me to wake up. She carries a crab to boil. Oh my god, now is the morning and i have breakfast from a crab. I don't think she kills a crab now. Haizzzz

I have some minute to eat two foot and a rippers after i go to school. I try quickly to go to school. I come gate of school when i look my friend and she talk that my teacher rested. Stupid, if i knew , i should eat all of cral to go to school.

But i go to class. My friends live there. We talk about something. We read new on web. I watch some video about foretell, some bad phenomena is happening in the earth. My friend talk that some phenomena in 2012 movie is happening. I don't belive but it can happen. Future is future. If it happen, we will accept. Foretell word will help us not to meet mistake. We can belive or not.

After we feel hungry. We have breakfast. Vermicelli and grilled chopped meat.
I come home.
My friends make appointment with me at 2p.m to photograph. But model don't go out. Appointment cancels.

5pm. I hungry. I strat to feel Colic. After have breakfast, i don't have lunch. Now is hungry.Ought to i promise my friend go out to eat. Pyramidal rice dumpling. A long time i don't eat it. Hot, Delicious.

Today when i go out, cars is going near me. Its make me to feel to kill me. Haizzz. Lucky, accident happen.

Thứ Ba, 3 tháng 8, 2010


I have a dream about love and friendship. In my dream, I love a boy who i don't know. And we are being sulky with each other. While i sit anywhere in a house, Tung ( he is director in my school, everybody call him to be ideas director ) and Boo ( he is a friend of me, now he is boy friend of my girl friend ). They arrive to advise me. But i don't listen to them. I go out while i open the door, i see you ( i think who i love) and my brother ( everybody call him :" lascote ". A long time, i like him.) and his girl friend . I beat at the door. "Lascote " and his girl friend come to me and advise me. At the time i wake up. Who i love? And why Tung and Lascote appear in my dream? Why they is who advise to me?

Maybe my dream make me i wake up early. I go to market and go to school later. I promised with my friend that today, i will buy snack to him. although early but i don't forget it.

This morning, i study by mr.Thang. We have a project. We don't know that today study it ought to we don't carry anything. Mr. Nam don't recall we tomorrow will study anything

My lunch, i eat in my family shop. My mother buy some big crab to eat. But my mother is tired because i cook.

4pm my aunt's family arrive to my family's shop. A long time i don't met them. Her daughter caughts me to take her to go to anywhere to buy something. While i go out, my mother call me to come back after they take us to water park to swimming. But she buy a long time ought to we come back early. They don't go to there. After my aunt's son caughts me take him to go to buy something which he will give his girl friend in her brithday. He buy a purse, a cute lamp and buy for me a cute box. I like him.

My mother with my aunt's family come back my aunt's house in Hai Phong city. Because my mother hear that mother of my mother falled to the ground and get wounded in her face. She is very worry.

This evening, after my family finish dinner. My father karaoke, i and my young brother play game and stop one's ears to his song.


I go to bed early.

Thứ Bảy, 31 tháng 7, 2010


A day in the end of month.
Go to market and go to school. I try to go to school early but my teacher go to school later. Haizzzz... Maybe my teacher knows i will be school early ought to he is later.
This afternoon, i and my young sister go out by my motobike. I go to gift shops. She wants to buy something for study. We watch many shop and buy something. It is hot, sun shine to make black skin. Haizzzz.

A long time i don't read " pokemon"book. It is famous picture book. I remeber when i am child, i liked to read it. I bought toys about pokemon, but now they lose. I played game about pokemon on my computer and now i play again. I look up internet. But i don't look up. The links die. But finishing, i look up it.

On the next sunday, i will go to sea with my school. But my group have someone to go to there. Haizzz. I am sad. But forgetting.

This evenig i think about a pijama party for holiday. I want my holiday is effervescent

Thứ Tư, 28 tháng 7, 2010

I go to market later.
Today is Duong's birthday. He is my cousin. His house is building ought to his family live in my house. He is 8 years old.

This morning, i try to finish KyuHyun in my blog. My grandmother catchs me to go to market to buy some food again. Haizzzz.

This afternoon. I go to book shop. I want a gift. I see some books, but they don't suit for him. When he grows up, he may be read they. I see some boxes which contain pen, pencil,ruler and..... They is beautiful. The outward of boxes have picture of batman or spiderman. I like them. But i haven't used them a long time. I like everything in here.

This evening. My dinner have salat, bread, sausage. When i am having dinner, his birthday start. one's paternal family and some relative on the distaff sid. He blows candle 3 times. He is a child.

My parent come home. My sister and her husband come my home. Her husband grills some cutters which is a gift, were carried to her holiday. My uncle, my parent, she, her husband, me, my brother and my aunt drink beer and eat it.

Thứ Ba, 27 tháng 7, 2010


I recently watch clip jump cut of Strong Heart Show about KyuHyun's story.

I cry because it. Properly, properly sad.

Story about a accident 3 years ago of SUJU. A accident happened with KyuHyun, LeeTeuk, Shindong, Eunhyuk.

At the time, KyuHyun was a guest on LeeTeuk and Eunhyuk's kiss radio. After we had finished the radio program, we were on our way back to the dorm. He had his eyes closed and listening to music.
And accident happened, his car was spinning. He lost consciousnes then but he ganied it back and he didn't know what had happened. The car was overturned and he lie down on the street. He had suffered great injuries to his pelvis and chest.
SuJu's car accidient that had scared the world.
He tried to get up but his eyes became blurry and his past was flashing before his eyes. At the moment he thinked " ah, this is how i am going to die...".
Then Eunhyunk ran over to me, grabbed his hand and EH was crying and praying with him.
[ When i watch this, i find EH's eyes is red. Maybe a litter bit, i think EH will cry.]

KyuHyun was in a coma for 4 days in the hospital.His ribs had broken and they was piercing his lungs. The doctor told " this child is going to die soon "
[ Fans feel very great arguish,even some one can faint, cry or scream or do anything because they have sock. Haizzzz Maybe my friend who is KyuHyun's fan, cries some days ]

And the doctor will drill a hole in his throat, his change of living was around 20%
[ It is a litter opportunity. It can be successful or not :((]

However his father said " this child is someone who must sing. He is a singer." His father's opposition on the surgery scine the beginning. " He is the child who has dream of song. If you drill his throat, you are talking away all that he has. How will this child go on about and live later on then ? "
[ His father who regards his son's dream as much as his' son life. I must respect his father and his decidedness. But i feel amazing before his decidedness. If my father was his father, my father wouldn't say this. His father wanted he is a teacher or not singer. But why his father choose his dream to replace his life. If life didn't lose, dream would contiune how. I don't know. But his father's decidedness change his life, he has life and dream. I admire his father. Thank for his father.]

The doctor found another way to operate. He is living and is singing at now.

He is extremely thankful to his father who protected his dreams and to EH who was the firt one to come and to pray for him.

[ Thank for his father, Eh aganin. Thank, thank, thank.]

About LeeTeuk, he had to get 150 stitches and 30 stitches in his head
[ Oh my god, a small head had 30 stitches, i hate accidient and i don't have a accidient to go to the hospital and can sew. Eh eh. It is unhappy for him. But it isn't problem because be dependent on it, he could stand here and cotinue to sing for us. FIGHTING !!!!]


This morning, i go to market. Although i try to do everything fast but i go to school late.But luckyly, my teacher starts to study. Today i feel sleepy. In class,i give a yawn more and more. I wish my teacher will finish lesson early.

My lunch, my group call for each other and have lunch together.Recently my group isnot as near and dear as in the past. I feel sad. I wish we will retun in the past. Ought to if my group had lunch together, i would go to with them. But not, each person a place ought to i don't go. We will eat thing which call "
bean noodle shrimp sauce ", is good food. A long time i don't eat it. I and my friend go to eat it. At here i meet some my friends in my group. And they already finish them lunch. They promise i to go to Nha Tho Street to drink " lemon tea ". My lunch is well :x

I go to Nha Tho Street. We say everything. Long time, we don't go to here to coffee and chat. In the past we often go to here. When we are talking, we met some friends in my group. My group is near adequate.

After i and some friends go to a toy shop. It have many unusual toys. But i don't have many money. I wish 100usd will be fall by sky for me.

I come home. This evening, my grandmother goes to a cemetery to pray for many the martyr who died but not find name or member of one's family. Because i cook us dinner
. Today has problem ought to i don't cook well. Haizzzz.

* Sometimes i listen music. I watch No other MV of Sujju. Hixx. They are very handsome. Donghae :x and SungMin, i like they. When i see they, i feel enjoyable. They are handsome but some singer in my country aren't as handsome as them. I don't like any singer in country. SUJU fighting :x i love they. I wish i can met them and can be huged by them and can hear them sing for me ( alone ). I think anyone who is fan of them, want it. Wish they can know me in one day. It will be a big happiness of me *

Chủ Nhật, 25 tháng 7, 2010


I get up early and do slowly everything.
I go Kit's home to go to school with her
Today, i dress oneself which is classic. Shirt, vest, Doc's shoe, trousers and black bow. I am handsome :x

After i finish class, i go to THO NHUOM stresst. Ly say i must take something which ly borrowed ago. Maybe i dress it ought to tradesman who is young and he look me uncannyly. Everybody look me uncannyly.

Come back to my school. I play game to wait my stylit and make up. Long and long. We promise with us model at 12a.m but nnow is 2p.m and make up at here but stylist don't stay here. Makeup are a boy and a girl. He who make up, studied make up training for me ago. He isn't a Perfect make up. All models make up alike. Hair fluff out, lip is red. But 2 make up ought to make up different.

5p.m we go to SUM Villa and we show at 8p.m. A party is classic but the truth it is hip hop party. DJ, dance, wine, hip hop not music classic. A show of us is good. We is style on black clother. People is white clothers and anything and they are kute but we are profession.

Music get Effervescent. We jump to platform which show. Everybody dance, swing with music and Dj. I love it.

9:30pm i left the party but i fell sad. I want to stay here to finish the party. But i scare my mom will reprove ought to i come back to home. On street, i drive and swing.

On my home, everybody karaoke. My mom look me and say i look like a boy. Hahahâhhahaha.

Today is happy.

Thứ Sáu, 23 tháng 7, 2010


Very Sleepy.
Because i get up early, all day go out. Haizzzz.

After i go home from market, i sleep to 12a.m. Then i go to my family shop and have lunch at here.
I go to my friend home. I promise she that i will give her a ticket for a party. Party about classic. We dress classical cothers and can dance. I wish I will be inite by anybody although i don't dance. I don't want it to turn truth. Hihihi.
I and my friend hover on the street to buy something for party. I dress a shirt with vest and black bow. I will be a men :D
But i will be assigtant for fashion show of my school. Fight fight.

Thứ Tư, 21 tháng 7, 2010

10a.m I get up late. My mom don't say with me about food to eat on today. Ought to I think today give full food. Today i don't go to market.

This afternoon, i go to school to deliberate what action to take again about fashion show. On thurday we will show again to review show.
Today have some new models. Female models is OK. Male models is not OK and missing.
My model dress onesel. It don't see beatifully, is normal. It can be dressed anywhere, anyone. I say with my stylist about it. My stylist is angry. She say with me : " you aren't stylist". Ok. I don't care. She want to dress anything for model that i amn't interset.
Properly she is nomarl stylist. Male models, they dress clother which not suit them and look them properly stupid. I don't care.
I go home late.

Thứ Ba, 20 tháng 7, 2010


Very very sleepy :-s

8:30am. I strat study but 8am i get up.
8:30 i go out. I go to school at 8:50am. Lucky. My class strat study some minute.
I study about movie. My teacher makes us watch a backstage clip of Avata movie. Surprised and admire about anything was done by them. Special effect and visual effect, make up, costume, camera, light, perform, actor....... In my country, no one do as good as them. I properly am surpised and i wish i will do as good as them. Fighting.

My lunch, i eat with my friend. KFC. After i go to barber'sshop. The barber say he will cut for me a new hair suit me. Therefore i keep he cutting any thing. Some minute, my hair is short very short. New hair is said uni sex, tomboy. I like it. But my mom don't like beacuse my mom say i is seen older than before. I don't care.

Chủ Nhật, 18 tháng 7, 2010


Yesterday had a storm and weather prognosis publish news that the storm continuoius a long time. But today when i get up, i open the window. I heard the sound of bird, the sun shine. The storm finish T..T omg. People reservr more and more food.

This afternoon, i have appoitment. Person who i tall " my wife ", buy a cake for me. He maked appoint with me two months ago but now he makes it. I, my wife and 2 girl friend go to " i luv cat " coffee. But it is full. We go to " Zen" coffee. It is more deterioration than 5 months ago.
After we go to the barracks where person is garrisoning. We carry cake for he. A long time, we didn't met he. But i don't like his friend in the barrachs. They say talkative. He don't say a litter. Today is sunday ought to people met member of one's family. Boy friends met girl friends, parent met son...... It is very affection. Any couple is intimate. I don't watch intimate which i say adult movie. Hehe. But here have we ought they make ashamed and don't make excessive.

Then i go home. My mom say she bought a new laptop for me. A Sony Vaio , color is brown. My computer belong to my brother. I will move documentation to new laptop. Oh my god it is many.

Thứ Bảy, 17 tháng 7, 2010


This morning, i carry my friend to car-park. She has a trip with her boy friend and her friend. I can't go with her because my study.

I go to school early. Today is saturday. My school's routine then my school organize test for every one who want to be pupil in my school.

Today, my class changes a teacher. A long time, i was taught by he whom name is Nam. Now i continue to study he after the teacher study for 3d to finish. I don't like he but don't hate he. I don't know. I don't care.

This afternoon, i have a appointment with two girl friend and " my wife ". But it is canceled. Becase the weather prognosis tall to have storm. Name storm is CON SON. It is coming. Sky change dark, black cloud come, rain is tiny. But the storm doesn't come here.

This evening, on TV, all new is storm. It come to Hai Phong city, Ninh Binh city. In Ha Noi, wind is storng but cool :x i love it. Tomorrow storm will come to Ha Noi city. Haizzzz. Today, my mom buy much food. We can live my house when the storm go out HN.

Today, all of a sudden, i want to hug. I lose one's self-control on a minuture. Lucky, i don't hug any one. Hehehehehehe

Thứ Sáu, 16 tháng 7, 2010


6:30 I get up.
And go to market with my mom. Haizzz. I often go to market nearby.

This morning. I stay at family shop. I help my mom to cook. Pick vegetables, washing vegetables.

This afternoon. I read picture book. And sleep.

This evening. The weather has storm. Rain. But after an instant it stop raining.
My phone has problem. I don't know. Haizzzz.

Thứ Năm, 15 tháng 7, 2010


2a.m I start sleeping. The weather is hot. But i feel sleepy, i don't know anything.

6a.m. I get up. I wait for my mom, she is buying food for my home. Wait a long time. Today i go to school and i can go to school late.

8.30a.m. My class is no one. I feel sleepy ought to i nod on my desk. My friends reach after a minute.
Today i study " project". I do a litter homework. Haizzzzz. I don't care.

Today i know about dog specied which call "god dog ", live Tibet. It is big, call, many feathers and feathers on neck set up to look lion's mane . It strikes 2 lion and faithful with only boss. I love it. But it is expensive about hundred million. Haizzzz.....

This evening, my dad tall about my study. Haizzzzz.

Thứ Tư, 14 tháng 7, 2010


6:30a.m. Today starts.
I go to market in village. Today, my mother strats to keep me buying food for my family alone. But today is the first, my mother go with me. Haizzz.... I don't like this. Yesterday was tired, i want to sleep.
I come back home. I do homework in my computer. My eyes are tired and feel sleepy. I go to bed and sleep.
Today, i sleep several times. Because tired or anything. I don't know.
4pm. Kit send message in my phone for me. She want me to go to her home to carry her to shop where yesterday she borrowed the clother. She promises to invite me to eat tea.
6pm i come back home. Today is dull.

Thứ Ba, 13 tháng 7, 2010



6am. My dad call me up by storm blusteringly. Sleepy.... sleepy .... and sleepy.
It strats to rain and torrents of rain. Rain and rain. This morning, i must go to school but it rains. I decide to stay at home to wait the rain stop. But rain doesn't stop. Heavy rain and heavy rain but COOL . I ask my teacher and my teacher tells : "No one go to school, rain water flooded up to thigh, only the best in home ". I stay at home to online and play game on my computer.

3pm. It stops to rain. The sun shines. And i have an appointment at 5pm.

5pm. I go to
rendezvous with my girl friend. I calls Duong " nice ". Oh my god, she is at my school and she doesn't go to here. I go to school. But now is checkout time. Traffic is slightly delayed. Some roads flooding due to rain this morning.

This evening, "arenamera" club of my school has a
performance test for a fashion show and musican of a restaurant. I am an assistant. I must help Stylist to prepare clother and accessories. So that when the jury looked at our model shows a different style and fancy. But we don't do it. Emergency and litter time, we don't met our model before. So our clother and accessories is not inadequate. Time for change clother is not inadequate although we try. Stylist, assistant and model are inadequate. Stylist and assistant are 5 people, model are 5 male models and 5 female models. Generally very messy. Haizzzzzzzzzzzz.... We do not get good reviews. We must try again on the 5th week. Haizzzzz. First full error beacuse we aren't profession

9pm I come back home. Very tired and hungry.

11pm. It rains again.

0 a.m. I go to bed. Today is tired

Thứ Hai, 12 tháng 7, 2010


When I'm asleep, the phone call. My father call. He storms blusteringly on my phone and tall me to shop. Quickly brush my teeth, washing my face and pull my motobike out of house. I think that something terrible has happened. But not. He calls me to bring food to home.
After i go to school. Today i do " assigment and project ". Tomoroow my teacher will inspect it. Eyestrain because look too much into computer. It is more difficultlly. My friend who in my group is powerless because i must do it alone. 3pm i am bored because i don't do it. It is settled.

I go to Ha Dong city. My girl friend want thing which she call " fish cream ". It is from Korean. Outside is cake, inside is cream and shape of the fish and she want to met her boy friend. But " fish cream " sold out. They must eat another before they come back.

Evening, i try to finish my homework. I wish I can finish it.
Tomorrow i will go to supermarket to buy food. Haizzzzz. My mother can't do it. Oh my god.

Chủ Nhật, 11 tháng 7, 2010


sleepy! and sleepy!

I had an appointment at 9 o'clock in the morning with my friends to discuss and show images. In my school has 1 group about photograp. In the group has stylist, photographer, make up and model. We split into group. Each week we have a heading to take a photo . After that will show anhd comment on each other. This week we talked about a fashion show that our school will participate. We will use pictures which we taked a photograph ago.

This afternoon, i tried animation in 3d max to look like in clip of my teacher. Actually not so easy but no too hard. I finished 2/3. Tomorrow i will finish 1/3.

4pm. I had an appointment with my friend. Eta and walked the streets. I went out when i met a ungainly rain. Because I went to home. Fortunately, not all wet. Every time I go out in the afternoon that it rains. BORING.

Thứ Bảy, 10 tháng 7, 2010


I have recently watched " No other " MV by SuJu. MV is cute. I like it.
A group has 13 people. They are all so cute. I love they.

DongHae, he still like the first. And i liked him from the first glimpse.Vocals,dance,moves,all made me vibrate.I love he :x

SungMin is second. He is really cute. Days ago i didn't like his hair. I think he like a my friend. But i don't like my friend as he . I like he :x :x A.... I wish he will not change his hair.

KyuHyun. I like thing which he makes in MV. A picture was connected by many picture. Color in picture is fresh. I like like. A... My friend love he :x :x hêhhehehe.

KiBum, KangIn and HangGeng . I am sad because they don't appear in MV

RyeoWook. His hair is ....... Why must he wash car ?

SiWon. He is more famous than ago. Fighting :D

EunHyuk. I don't like his hair and his clother when he dance before camera. I like his dance.

ShinDong. Quick married. I wish he will be happy and thin. He is fat but is cute.

YeSung. I like his new song. It has to be you. Fighting.

HeeChul. Days ago i didn't like his hair. Really if i met he, i would cut his hair. I wish an animal will eat his hair when he is sleep. But in MV, i like his hair. When he makes up, he is beautiful :D.
He is more beautiful than me.

LeeTeuk. In MV i don't recognize he in the scene outside. Maybe his hat hides his face.