Thứ Bảy, 7 tháng 8, 2010

This morning i think that i will ferry my friend to her company by my motobike. But lucky, i don't come ought to i continue sleeping. Today is unhappy.

When i prepare to go to school. I feel that i will remeber one thing but i don't remeber. The first, I give motobike so i forget to get out my key of my motobike.

I come my class, people claim my teacher to give them to watch movie. My teacher is ok because tomorrow we will have summer's tour of my school and we will have heart and mind to continue studying. The movie is Black Hawk Down. It won in OSCAR. I like it. It about the war of USA and Somali. Properly it is very good and have a litter blood,barbarous, horribly and pride. It is really.

My lunch, i eat with my group. And at time it is happy. A long time my group eat together.

After we ( 1/2 my group) go to super market. We need to buy something for summer's tour. We buy a litter because only 1/2 my gruop go.

Come back my family shop. My sister want i ferry her to medicine's store. She talk that she must stay here long time ought to i come back later. But it is fast than she think.

This afternoon. At 4p.m. I and 2 girl friend will visit my friend who gets soldier. A strange thing, when we prepare to visit him, it prepare rain. Anytime like it. I don't know why? Maybe god is challenging?

I come back home later. Ought to i have a bath later. It make my mother is ungry. She storm blusteringly and slap me. I feel bored. I don't talk anything. I do something with heavy face. My mother is prejudice with me. I hate it.

Tomorrow, i will go.

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